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  • What is the purpose of the app?
    To help users increase and maintain health, focusing on what matters most. To enable and facilitate users to live long, healthy lives by helping them to build and sustain effective, healthy habits and measure and encourage resulting functional health improvements.
  • What can I do with the app?
    Build effective, health habits that drive results - select or build your own habit program and track your progress; and take physical assessments and track your functional health - watch your abilities and your health improve over time.
  • How do I get the app?
    Download it on Google Play Store or Apple App Store.
  • Does Functional Health support any charitable causes?
    Yes! 5% of proceeds will be donated annually to the CrossFit Foundation charity to support kids programs in K-12 schools and underserved communities, veteran organizations, cancer survivors, communities in recovery from substance abuse and addiction, and combating chronic disease, etc.
  • How did this app come to be? What’s the backstory? Who are the contributors and what were the influences?
    Visit the website About page for all of this info.
  • Do I have to sign-up (or log-in)?
    You can see preview some areas of the app anonymously, but most of the app requires an account so that the data you enter for habits and assessments can be stored into the database and retrieved, displayed, etc.
  • What ways can I sign-up?
    You can use a Google or Apple account, or create an account via an email address and a password.
  • Do I have to log-in (or sign-up)?
    You can see preview some areas of the app anonymously, but most of the app requires an account so that the data you enter for habits and assessments can be stored into the database and retrieved, displayed, etc.
  • What ways can I log-in?
    In the same manner which you signed-up: with Google or Apple account, via an email address and a password.
  • How can I log out?
    Under the settings page, click the button for log-out.
  • How much does the app cost?
    There are currently two versions of the app: free and pro. The free version is basic and has some fundamental functionality and limited habit and assessment capabilities, etc. The Pro version is much more encompassing. See the upgrade page within the app for further details, plan comparisons, pricing, etc.
  • How does the free trial work?
    With the annual subscription plan, there is a 7-day free trial. You sign-up for the subscription on day 1 and have full access to Pro level within the app for 7 days before being charged. On day 5, we will send you a reminder that you have 2 days left on your trial, in case you do not wish to continue the subscription and start paying.
  • How do I cancel a trial or subscription?
    Within the app, under settings, simply click on “Manage my subscriptions” which will navigate you to Google or Apple to make any needed subscription changes.
  • What app permissions are requested and used?
    The only two permissions we request and use are notifications and location.
  • Why does the app need location permissions?
    In order to provide accurate habit ‘today’ scores for users across multiple time zones, the location is utilized to determine what the current day is.
  • What do I need to enter to create a profile?
    Your name, birthdate, gender (for assessment ratings), and weight units (lb/kg).
  • Can I change my profile setting after initial creation?
    Yes, on the settings page, go to profile within the app and make any needed adjustments.
  • What notifications does the app send?
    The app is configured, by default, to send two habit notifications each day – one in the morning and one in the evening, reminding you to work on and check-off your healthy habits. Also, there is a weekly Monday assessment reminder notification encouraging you to take an assessment each week.
  • Can notifications be adjusted?
    Yes! Within the settings page of the app, notifications can be changed to remove some or all of the daily habit and weekly assessment notifications.
  • What is the overall habit status today score?
    This is the average of all habit category / item scores for today. In other words, based on what you have checked off today for your habits, it is how well you are doing, on a scale from 0 to 10.
  • What is the overall habit status 7 day score?
    This is the average of all habit category / item scores for the past week. In other words, based on what you have checked off for the last 7 days for your habits, it is how well you are doing, on a scale from 0 to 10.
  • What is the overall assessment status current score?
    This is the average of all assessment category / item scores presently. In other words, based on what you have entered to date for your assessments, it is how well you are performing, on a scale from 0 to 10.
  • What is the overall assessment status level of confidence?
    This is, effectively, your level of completion of the available assessments within the app. The more of the assessments you’ve completed to date, the better this score will be. It is measured on a scale from 0 to 10.
  • What are the habit scores, generally?
    Short video explanation here:
  • What is the overall habit status today score?
    This is the average of all habit category / item scores for today. In other words, based on what you have checked off today for your habits, it is how well you are doing, on a scale from 0 to 10.
  • What is the overall habit status 7 day score?
    This is the average of all habit category / item scores for the past week. In other words, based on what you have checked off for the last 7 days for your habits, it is how well you are doing, on a scale from 0 to 10.
  • What is the Category Scores – 7 day table?
    This shows the average of all item scores, for each category, for the past week. In other words, based on what you have checked off for the last 7 days for your habits, it is how well you are doing on each habit category, on a scale from 0 to 10.
  • What is a habit program?
    A habit program is a predefined set of habit categories and items which you can configure and then follow / track.
  • What are the different habit programs?
    There will eventually be at least 6 habit programs for users to build from, and currently there are 3 ready to use: Simple Solution, Simple Solution +, Mainstream Method, Founder’s Formula (coming soon), Team Take (coming soon), and Custom Curriculum(coming soon).
  • What is the difference between the different habit programs?
    The different habit programs have varying degrees of detail and flexibility. The Simple Solution program is very simple and basic and only has 3 categories and each has just 1 item (which is simply a repeat of the category). The Simple Solution + program is simple and basic and only has 6 categories and each has just 1 item (which is simply a repeat of the category). The Mainstream Method program is more detailed and has 6 categories and each has 4 items. The Founder’s Formula program (coming soon) is very detailed and has 6 categories and each has 8 items. The Team Take program (coming soon) will be custom defined by a team or group and can be as simple (like Simple Solution) or detailed (like Founder’s Formula) as the team decides. The Custom Curriculum program (coming soon) will be fully customizable and defined by an individual and can be as simple (like Simple Solution) or detailed (like Founder’s Formula) as the individual decides.
  • How do I build and complete my habit program?
    Select the habit program you want to start with, then review the categories and items you wish to utilize. Check off the habit items you want to use, then accept your selections, and once you’ve done this for each habit category, then complete the habit program. Watch a video tutorial below.
  • How do I learn more about the details of each habit category and item?
    As you are building your habit program and selecting categories and items to include, there are info buttons within the app that when clicked will open pop-ups with further information explaining more about each category and item.
  • How do I change from one habit program to another?
    In order to switch habit programs, you must first reset your habit program from the bottom of the habit program page. Please note – your current habit program data will be deleted in doing so, and your habit scores will be reset moving forward with the newly created program.
  • Can I change details of my habit program after creating it?
    Yes, just follow the same process you went through to initially create your habit program and then add or subtract habit categories / items from your program and recomplete the program.
  • How do I check off a habit?
    On the habit check-off page, in the row for the given habit, in the column for the day you want to check-off, simply click the box and you will see it change from empty to green with a checkmark. Watch a video tutorial below.
  • How do I uncheck off a habit?
    On the habit check-off page, in the row for the given habit, in the column for the day you want to uncheck-off, simply click the box and you will see it change from green with a checkmark back to empty.
  • How can I be reminded about the details of each habit category and item?
    As you are checking off habits, there are info buttons within the app that when clicked will open pop-ups with further information explaining more about each category and item.
  • What are the habits stats, generally?
    Short tutorial explanation here:
  • What is the habit stats category today score?
    This is the average of habit category / items, for the selected category, scores for today. In other words, based on what you have checked off today for your habits in the given category, it is how well you are doing, on a scale from 0 to 10.
  • What is the habit stats category 7 day score?
    This is the average of habit category / items, for the selected category, scores for the past week. In other words, based on what you have checked off for the last 7 days for your habits in the given category, it is how well you are doing, on a scale from 0 to 10.
  • What is the habit stats category 30 day score?
    This is the average of habit category / items, for the selected category, scores for the past month. In other words, based on what you have checked off for the last 30 days for your habits in the given category, it is how well you are doing, on a scale from 0 to 10.
  • What is the Category Item Scores – 7 / 30 day table?
    This shows the average for each of the item scores, for the selected category, for the past week / month. In other words, based on what you have checked off for the last 7 / 30 days for your habits in the given category, it is how well you are doing on each habit category item, on a scale from 0 to 10.
  • What is the overall assessment status current score?
    This is the average of all assessment category / item scores presently. In other words, based on what you have entered to date for your assessments, it is how well you are performing, on a scale from 0 to 10.
  • What is the overall assessment status level of confidence?
    This is, effectively, your level of completion of the available assessments within the app. The more of the assessments you’ve completed to date, the better this score will be. It is measured on a scale from 0 to 10.
  • What is the overall assessment status balance?
    This is a metric to show how well-rounded you are across the different assessment categories. The more level your assessment scores have been, from category to category, the better this metric will be. It is measured on a scale from 0 to 10.
  • What is the Category Scores table?
    This shows the average of all assessment scores, for each category. In other words, based on what you have completed to date for your assessments, it is how well you are doing on each assessment category, on a scale from 0 to 10.
  • How do I take an assessment?
    Within the app, click on take an assessment and then review the list of available assessment categories. Within each category you will find individual assessments to take. Clicking into an individual assessment will show the details of that assessment and the structure of the activity. Physically perform the activity and then enter your result within the app: date of assessment and your numerical result (time, reps, load).
  • What if I am physically unable to complete an assessment as prescribed?
    If, for a given assessment, the movement, loading, reps, volume, etc. are beyond your physical capabilities, do not attempt to perform the assessment. Instead continue to develop your capacities through your healthy habits – particularly your physical training and exercise. Build up your capacity and then come back to complete the assessment when ready. Do not submit assessment results for scaled versions of workouts / activities.
  • Can I submit assessment results for scaled versions of workouts / activities?
    No, the assessment rating scales are set-up for the as-prescribed versions of the workouts / activities.
  • What do the assessment results mean?
    Once you’ve completed and submitted your assessment, you will be given a score for that effort on a scale from 0 to 10. A zero score means, effectively, that you can just barely perform the movement/s with just a single rep, little to no load, or it takes you a maximal amount of time. A perfect ten score means that you are at world record level. Between 0.5 and 9.5 the scores are approximately related to percentiles of performance – e.g. 0.5 represents 5th percentile, 2.0 represents 20th percentile, etc. Furthermore, 0.5 can be seen as beginner, 2.0 as novice, 5.0 as intermediate, 8.0 as advanced, and 9.5 as elite.
  • Are assessment scores age graded, absolute, or?
    At this time, the assessment scores are absolute (for each gender scale). We have plans to also introduce age grading as additional app functionality at a later date.
  • What is the overall assessment score over time graph?
    This is a monthly graph, for the last 12 months, showing your overall assessment score. This graph allows you to see changes over time in this metric.
  • What is the overall assessment confidence over time graph?
    This is a monthly graph, for the last 12 months, showing your overall assessment level of confidence. This graph allows you to see changes over time in this metric.
  • What is the overall assessment balance over time graph?
    This is a monthly graph, for the last 12 months, showing your overall assessment balance. This graph allows you to see changes over time in this metric.
  • What is the category scores chart?
    This is a current average category score chart which shows your average score for each category of assessment. This is a visualization of balance – a better balance score will have very similar scores across the different categories.
  • What is the category level of confidence chart?
    This is a chart that shows the level of confidence, e.g. completeness of available assessments, for each category.
  • Where can I find more info on the methodology of the app, info on overview, habits, and assessments?
    Within the app, from the home page, or the habits or assessments page, navigate to Methods and Info where you can read through the overview, habits, and assessments methods and info. There is also an abbreviate version of this information on the website methodology page.
  • What are the details of the end user license agreement? Where can I find them?
    Within the app, under settings, navigate to user agreement which will bring you to the website page for the end user license agreement. This page has all the relevant details.
  • What are the details of the Privacy policy? Where can I find them?
    Within the app, under settings, navigate to Privacy policy which will bring you to the website page for the Privacy policy (link). This page has all the relevant details.
  • How can I reach out for support, help, contact, issues, suggestions, etc.?
    On the website there is a Contact page (link) with submission form. Also, you can email us directly at On the settings page in the app, there is also a link that will get you there.
  • Where can I find app info like version, latest updates, etc.?
    You can find this info for the app within Google Play and Apple App stores. On the website there are links thereto on the Get The App page. On the settings page in the app, there is also a link that will get you there.
  • Where do I go to leave a review?
    You can find the app in Google Play and Apple App stores and leave a review there. On the website there are links thereto on the Get The App page. On the settings page in the app, there is also a link that will get you there.
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